About us
Welcome to the webpages of the Phycology lab at Ghent University.
The Phycology Lab is headed by Olivier De Clerck. Our research focuses on genetics, diversity and life cycle control of marine macroalgae. We address questions ranging from descriptive taxonomy over ecological studies forecasting the distribution of species in relation to environmental change to genomics of selected green and brown seaweed species. A substantial part of our research involves a combination of fieldwork, culturing (including aquaculture) and manipulating seaweed strains to study their development (Dictyota), gamete development (Ectocarpus, Ulva) or morphogenesis and genomics (green seaweeds).
Frederik Leliaert (visiting professor)
Eric Coppejans (emeritus)
Postdoc / scientific staff
Associated researchers
Former lab members
Olivier De Clerck

Head of the research group with a broad interest in seaweed diversity and patterns of genetic diversity. I address questions using a combination of fieldwork, molecular data and culture experiments. Many of these projects make use of the brown alga Dictyota, a genus to which I've become pretty well acquainted over the years.
Contact: olivier.declerck@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.00
Publications: google scholar
Frederik Leliaert

A longterm associate to the Phycology lab (visiting professor), but now employed by the Botanic Garden Meise. I’m interested in a range of topics that fall within the realms of biodiversity and evolution. I use molecular, morphological, ecological and geographic data to resolve phylogenetic relationships, test species boundaries, and explore the biogeographical history in marine and freshwater algae.
Contact: frederik.leliaert@gmail.com
Webpages: home page, twitter - @fleliaer
Publications: google scholar
Jessica Knoop

Postdoctoral fellow at the Phycology Research Lab, I am interested in growth and reproduction of seaweed, more specifically I apply fundamental knownledge on seaweed biology to successfully cultivate seaweed for commericial purposes. This involves growing sugar kelp in offshore environments as well as cultivating nori and dulse in RAS systems.
Contact: jessica.knoop@ugent.be
Publications: google scholar
Willem Stock

I am an FWO-postdoctoral researcher studying bacterial transmission in the green alga Bryopsis plumosa. I am using sequencing and microscopy-based techniques to unravel the ecological and evolutionary implications of the transmission process for both the alga and the bacteria
Contact: willem.stock@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.07
Publications: google scholar
Kenny Bogaert

I am a post-doctoral assistant studying fertilisation and early development in the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma. I apply a combination of culture and fertilisation experiments with transcriptomics and genomics.
Contact: bogaert.kenny@gmail.com
Publications: google scholar
Jonas Blomme

I'm a postdoctoral researcher interested in the evolution carbon concentrating mechanisms in green seaweed. Thereto, I focus on the green seaweed Ulva, developing genome editing technology (CRISPR/Cas) with ecophysiological experiments to ellucidate the function of specific genes and pathways to underlay inorganic carbon acquisition.
Contact: olivier.declerck@ugent.be
Publications: google scholar
Floriele Gonzaga

I'm a researcher interested in applied phycology and cultivation of seaweeds. I'm involved in projects focusing on lifecycle control of seaweeds and onshore cultivation of seaweed destined for human consumption.
Contact: floriele.gonzaga@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.09
Sofie Vranken

I'm a postdoctoral researcher interested in ecological genomics of seaweed. My PhD thesis, under supervision of Thomas Wernberg and Melinda coleman, focussed on Ecklonia populations in Australia. Currently I'm involved in projects focusing on lifecycle variation of seaweeds and how this variation reflects on genetic diversity. Pet specied include, kelp, Dictyota and Porphyra.
Contact: floriele.gonzaga@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.09
Anja Hondekyn

I'm the administrative support for the research group, handling the project and personnel administration.
Contact: anja.hondekyn@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.09
Sofie D'Hondt

I support the researchers with their molecular work, ranging from simple DNA extractions to PCR and library preparations for NGS.
Contact: sofie.dhondt@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.52.64
Publications: google scholar
Francesca Petrucci

I support the researchers with their culture work and experiments in the wet lab.
Contact: francesca.petrucci@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.08
Former lab members
Lucas Prost

Co-supervised by Olivier De Clerck and Yves Van de Peer, my PhD research focuses on understanding haploid versus diploid genome evolution. My research is both experimental, working with Chlamydomonas and computational.
Contact: lucas.prost@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.08
Publications: coming up soon
Eliane Zakka

I am a PhD student studying the early development of brown algae. My research focuses on the early development of Dictyota dichotoma zygotes and the phenotypic plasticity of attachment.
Contact: eliane.zakka@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.07
Publications: coming up soon
Antoine Van de Vloet

Co-supervised by Olivier De Clerck and Yves Van de Peer, my PhD research focuses on understanding haploid versus diploid genome evolution. My research is both experimental, working with Chlamydomonas and computational.
Contact: antoine.vandevloet@UGent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.07
Publications: coming up soon
Luna van der Loos

Seaweeds, microbes and diversity are the cornerstones of my research. My PhD project focuses on the microbiome of the Sea lettuce Ulva and how the microbes influence the response of Ulva to environmental change.
Contact: luna.vanderloos@UGent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.07
Publications: google scholar
Sofie Peeters

With a double masters degree in Biomedical Sciences and Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, Sofie Peeters started her PhD in January 2022. Her research focuses on microbiomes of foundational brown seaweeds in Europe. Thereto, she combines experimental research with fieldwork and bioinformatics
Contact: sofipeet.peeters@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.08
Publications: coming up soon
<Kathryn Morrissey

PhD researcher investigating bacterial communities associated with Caulerpa species and how these communities change under different abiotic stresses. The main aim of my work is to understand the functional diversity of microorganisms and the role they play within algal host systems. My research focuses on both laboratory and in situ experiments.
Contact: Kathryn.Morrissey@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.75
Publications: coming soon
Quinten Bafort

PhD student with a certain fondness for cryptogams, fascinated by evolution and the history of life. I am using a combination of experimental evolution of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and bioinformatics to study the link between environmental stress and whole genome duplications and the stabilisation of these duplicated genomes.
Contact: Quinten.Bafort@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.07
Publications: coming soon
Louka Noyen

I am a PhD student at Ghent University. As a part of the AlgaeProBANOS project, my PhD research focuses on the cultivation of Furcellaria lumbricalis<\i> as a potential feedstock for biostimulant production. This mainly involves seaweed aquaculture, life cycle control, and using bioassays to investigate Furcellaria’s potential biotechnological applications.
Contact: Louka.Noyen@UGent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.02
Publications: coming soon
Emma Coulembier Vandelannoote

I am a PhD student at Ghent university, and I will be looking at the natural variation of Ulva compressa using a combination of Quantative Trait Loci and population genomic analysis. I will quantify the variation in both growth and morphology, and associate these with the genetic diversity to better fundamental understanding of Ulva compressa and its development
Contact: Emma.CoulembierVandelannoote@UGent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.02
Publications: coming soon
Lauren Vapillon

I am a PhD student at Ghent university, I'm very interested in kelp ecosystems. For my PhD I will combine empirical data on kelp vegetations (population genomics) with model-based approaches to assess niche-abundance relationships
Contact: laurenn.vapillon@UGent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.02
Publications: coming soon
Frederique Steen

I'm a teaching assistant in the Biology Department. Researchwise, I focus on diversity and speciation of Dictyotales at different spatial and temporal scales. My research involves a combination of fieldwork, molecular (microsatellites, gene sequencing and GBS) and culture techniques.
Contact: frederique.Steen@ugent.be
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.75
Publications: coming soon
Tran Thi Lan Anh

I am a young PhD researcher focussing on the potential role of Ulva in bioremediation of pond-based aquaculture effluents. Aspects of my research involve diversity assessments of Ulva in Vietnam and strain-specific characterisation of nutrient uptake and growth
Contact: anhttl@hus.edu.vn
Tel.:: +32-9-264.85.75
Publications: coming soon
Our projects
A European COST Action dedicated to Ulva, which will significantly improve knowledge in the biology of Ulva, capitalising on their economic potential, and exploring commercial applications in the human food, feed, pharmaceutical industries and ecosystem service. link
A cSBO project, focusing on life cycle variation, cultivation and valorization of Porphyra species in Europe. In the project we'll try to get a better handle on the life cycle of several European Porphyra species, incl. ploidy changes.
Two projects in the Horizon2020 Horizon Europe framework that investigate the multi-use of offshore space. In the Belgian pilot, we are investigating the possibility of sugar kelp aquacuture in offshore environments, while RBIN and ARC colleagues focus on flat oyster restoration. Coordinated by Deltares. link
Low Sex
Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of Dictyota display differences in their reproductive strategies. Sexual reproduction especially is rare in the Mediterrean. Low sex investigates the effect low sex on evolutionary potential of these populations.
Wier & Wind
In the Interreg-funded Wier & Wind project, we develop innovative cultivation methods for offshore sugar kelp (Saccharina) cultivation. This includes seeding technologies and automated harvesting. link
A collaboration with Yves Van de Peer investigating the evolution of polyploid versus haploid Chlamydomonas under benign and stressed conditions. The projects relies heavily on evolve and resequence experiment.
Publications (A1)
Publications, restricted to A1 publications of the last 3 years. For a comprehensive list, we refer to Lib UGent or Google Scholar.